Wanderlust Women Mini Collection

Posted on July 22, 2019 by Winnie Tataw

Hey everyone! These are some of my old painting/ canvas artworks. The collection is based on women of different skin color, ethnicity, or race (the human race I mean). I hope you all like it. These are some of my favorite pieces, they all hold a piece of my heart. All of the pieces were made in late 2017 through early 2018. 

Well this one is basically was a brain dump. It is a mermaid, sphinx, and a bunch of hands. The rest is just a bunch of shapes, flowers, and space. It is crazy and I love it. Still, I do not like how the watercolor and acrylic paint came out. I was new to using watercolor, and I wish I put more dimension into the hands (like highlights and shadow). As well all the faces could use a touch up. Nevertheless, I feel this the most fun and interesting piece in the collection.

Meet Lady Leo. She is different the rest of the ladies, because she is made with markers and pen instead of acrylic paint. She has pink and purple hair and wears a lion hide. I am a Leo (my zodiac sign) so I draw lot of lions. Like, a lot. She is based off a picture, I had saw scrolling on the internet. I love the face paint and lion head the most. The geometric elements are also a huge highlight of this piece as well.

This is my favorite piece of the collection, and possibly one of my favorite paintings I have ever made. It is of different ethnic and racial women, all who have their faces painted based on where they are from and their traditions. There are women from each continent. I cannot remember where each woman is from exactly, but the top row is: Mexico, East Africa, Japan, Scandinavian. The bottom row is: Asia (I do not remember where), Polynesian, Indigenous North American and South American. I love how this came out and hopefully I will do a male version.

This is the finally piece, and ironically the first piece I made. She was supposed to have different physical features of different women of race, but as you all know somethings don’t work out how you want it. I still love how she did come out though. She is all acrylic! She could use an update too, but for now she will stay like this. She will always be the mother of this collection, and for that she will always have a place in my heart.

I hope to add more to this collection in the future. 

And remember:

Live, love, and laugh.