Commission Request Guide

Hey you! These are some guidelines I've prepared if you are considering commissioning me.  While it may look like a lot, it will be constructive and answer any questions you may have if you have never gotten a commission before. It is divided into two main sections: 

Please note that while this is written using character designs as an example, you may ask me for anything else that doesn't fit in the realm of character design (for example, portraits, pets, etc.)

If you have any questions I have not answered, feel free to contact me at

Commissions with Visual References:

If you do not have a visual reference for what you want me to create, please scroll down to the commissions with no references section. 

Characters with visual references are eligible for any of the art commissions listed here. I do both realistic and fantasy characters for commissions. If there are any details you need to communicate about the commission that is essential (for example, "my mother has a small mole under her eye or her fairy wings are a light blue"), please make them clear your submission form. Please tell me what your idea for the pose is. If you do not have an idea for a pose, please be 100% certain before telling me that I can make up a pose. 

Lacking Reference Visual Reference 

I understand not everyone is an artist, and that's ok, but please do your best to give me a clear reference. This can be in the form of photos, links, book covers, etc. Please have a firm idea of what you want your character to look like.  The more detailed the better--well detail yes, nit-picking no (example-wanting an exact texture or format I may not be able to do or creating). I will not make a character design completely 100% from scratch for you. You MUST have an idea for your character beforehand.

​The starting prices for artwork with references do not change, but the process and creation time will be longer since it is more complex and time-consuming. I will not start on a commission without you and I agree on visual references and sketch mock-ups beforehand. 

You are always welcome to e-mail me to get an estimate of my pricing for an art piece. In rare cases, I may charge lower than the base price if your piece is simple enough :).

The more detailed, the better. Although please don't send me an entire novel, I write and read enough of those. It would help if you had a good idea of what you want your commission to look like. If you have visual refs of other characters that look similar to what you want or references for your artwork's clothing, accessories, etc., that is good too. 

Example of what to do:

"I have a character and *detailed description* description*. However, the idea I have for their clothing is complex and makeup. While I like it in theory, I'm not sure it will work when drawn. What do you think?"

If it is apparent that you know what you want for your character, I will not mind if you have questions. If you're unsure where your idea might fall, you can always e-mail me and find out if I am willing to work on the character. 

Example of what not to do: 

"I have an idea for a character. It's a woman. She is black. She has purple eyes. Also, should they have flowers or a landscape?" (etc.)

This is your commission. I am supposed to be drawing your idea, not designing something almost entirely on my own. If I do that, it's now a commissioned piece. During the process, I send multiple versions, concept photos of the image to ensure that you are satisfied with the result. I am fully prepared to change things at your request since it is difficult to translate a character from text, but please be reasonable. (If you wanted blue curly hair, do not ask for straight red hair halfway through). 

Due to the nature of this process, I am prepared to make changes, but if you ask for a big change, I will charge you extra based on how much time and effort it will take to fix it 

For example: Wanting to add or remove figures from a painting). You approve of the progress sketch of the coloring and shading, then a week before I send out your piece, suddenly you point out that the figure's face is entirely wrong and has to be changed. 

I understand that sometimes it's possible to forget or miss a chance, please consider my effort and time and do your best to point out any necessary changes as early as possible. Please understand that if I'm 95% done with your work, I'm most likely not changing anything. I will charge a cancellation fee of $20 or if you suddenly push changes on me late in the commission (that's anything past the halfway stage).